Dream Screamers - New World Saga Continued.. Chapter 2

Things that go bumb in your head!

(All Materials and Story's featured on this site are CopyRight 2024 Sam Shepherd & Simon Kettle - HapHazard Publishing)

Dream Screamers - New World Saga Continued.. Chapter 2

Postby hbyte » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:02 pm

Chapter 2 Invaded by aliens ... Not really

Toby was an electronics whizz. In his spare time he liked to mess around with climates. He plugged into the planets weather system via a set of carefully placed satellites. Each contained a coil and could interefere with any weather system. It was experimental but with the right drug he could make people hallucinate anything - under the right conditions.

"Well done Toby - but will it work?"

"I think so boss. Its going to create quite a sight. Twelve Myztian battle cruisers land on earth through a gigantic wormhole."

Justine gave the entire cabinate a dose of his latest mind bending drug as they all gathered for coffee in the war room to discuss the impending attack from Myzton.

"Where is Myzton..?" asked the prime minister who pensively drank his heavily doped cup of tea.

Justine watched from her seat along the table. Everyne drank the Myzton mind warping drug.

"Myzton is a planet in the fifth quadrant millinea from earth. It is beleived that they are here to introduce us to the local steller community. However there is an ultimatum - complete obedience or else."

"What do they want exactly?

"They are asking for an offerring - a peace offering a gesture of good will

"All our children


The prime minister swigged back all his tea. And now began to feel rather woosey as the drug took full effect.

"All of them??

Justine smiled again.

"Super Intendant Justine what do you make of this ... is it a hoax??

"Ooooh no this is real.We are all in alot of danger. I suggest that...

"Ooooh god what is happening I feel strange

"So do I..

"Yes me too

"Weve been drugged

"Somebody send for a doctor

"...we all get to a secure location and wait it out.", Justine continued.

The cabinet all looked at Justine and suddenly all agreed.

"Excellent. Now if you'd like to follow me Sir

He showed the Prime minister out of the war room and walked with him to the secure room.

Toby was waiting.

"Weve not got long sir, you'll need to take this injection to flush out the drug

Toby wore a doctors white coat, but by now the Prime minister was hallucinating so much he could have been wearing a clown costume.

"Ok ok just get on with it

The transfer was complete. Justine stretched out his new body while the Prime minster lay on the floor in Justines old body.

"Good fit don't you think Toby

"Yes sir..

Outside crowds of onlookers watched as the sky seemed to fall apart and several Myzton battle cruisers began to engage the Royal airforce. Everyone was hallucinating.

Meanwhile on a distant world with a blood red sky three men drank fortified wine as they discussed the fate of other worlds late into the night. It was close to dawn and the terradactles roosting in the eaves of their ancient halls began to stir. Inside one of the many chambers that overlooked the Myzton city beneath a giant fire roared.

"Whats this. Justine on earth. An invasion. He must have gone mad. Hes really done it this time. He'll never get tenure.", Muttered the High Deacon.

"I am sure weve been mistaken Justine would never do such a thing." The Patreon gave a worried stare as the high deacon looked to be about to fly into a short yet measured rage.

"That infernal child. Bring him back"

"Well no its right here in black and white appraently weve invaded them. Poor buggers. He is probably using a posession spell on their leader. I feel terrible but I taught him everything I know.", The Myzton minister held back a smile as he held the newspaper that contained the article about earth's fate somewhere on the back page.

"Summon the Grand Master this requires an intervention we must carry out a divine right - an exorcism and who knows what else. Justine will have to pay for this."

"Unless", whispered the Dean who was hiding in the darkness beside the roaring fire which made the room seem alive with the shadow of all three men.

"Unless. Yes unless it can be shown that earth has succombed. Unless Justine has managed to make all of them submit to the obediance"

"But how likely is that.. Hrrmf", snorted the Deacon.

Chapter 3



(All Materials and Story's featured on this site are CopyRight 2024 Sam Shepherd & Simon Kettle - HapHazard Publishing)
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