
Things that go bumb in your head!

(All Materials and Story's featured on this site are CopyRight 2024 Sam Shepherd & Simon Kettle - HapHazard Publishing)


Postby hbyte » Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:10 am

Launching the edge virus took time. It needed to build up its sequence effect transformers - tiny quantum machines that lived inside every artificial organics dna. Dna that was just one big compution on reality. It manipulated deep reality. Altered it at the subatomic level. It was the key for the lock that was creation.

Every lock was unique - unique to the key or the being that connected to it.

Angella knew this. She paid attention during the Cerebral Autonomics class that was being broadcast to every child in her sector.

The unistad wanted every child to grow up into a respectable genetic engineer - to sit on the council and decide the fate of so many mistakes. Or nothing. If you didnt want to be something they liked then you were damned.

Home schooling was the way. Or wasnt it just unistad's propoganda being channeled straight into your lucid dreams. Angella didnt mind. After all they didnt know any different did they.

"One day I will become an organic. Feel as they feel. Put an end to this tampering with reality and instead we will all transcend it." Her mind spoke into the filament recorder. It would keep her thoughts secret. She stroked her organic. "There there my sweet I wont let them take you."

"Dad got you that filament recorder to do your homework off-grid. So you could improve. And instead I find that youve been using it for privacy. Privacy is not allowed. Not in this house."

Bang the door slamed, Angela shrank into her room its isolation embraced her. Something everyone enjoyed about this world. Isolation. Oh theyd be watching. I mean if you really broke it down they were always there. But reality was a feeling. And right now she felt just right. A little too right and alone.

If reality was a feeling why where the unistad so interested in facts - filaments. Minute aspects on the quantum level that could change everything. Why not just feel your way. After all feelings were far more real than filaments.

Somehwere inside the unistad control room two agents were logged into their filament scanners. The room was full of creatures all desperate to mark the new ever changing quantum territorys out there as they popped in and out of existence.

"Somethings blocking me. Its district 7. In the quad zone."

"They dont have the processors in that zone. Most of them have got third party filament devices"

"Yeah and someone is doing it all off the grid"

"Send in a creature"

The creature snarled and licked itself. Its claws extended into the night of district 7. Into a spoiled and bloody night. It stalked its prey. Citizen 2004. He was using his filament to do all kinds of illegal stuff and he lived two blocks down from Angela. He called himself the Ghost.

The creature found his quantum signature. A hole in reality as big as a cat. In it went.
The ghost stroked his new friend. Angela exhaled deeply. "Thank god its safe", she thought.

The creature had morphed. Changed itself on the quantum level from a creature into a domestic cat.

"Yeah its back again. Must have been a glitch. Or the creature did its job.

"I suppose that could be true. Hold on let me check...yeah we are getting true on all its future dates. So the creature probably found him."

"Fantastic so thats all 7 districts scanned and checked out. We done here?

The Ghost checked his scanner. It read zero. The unistad must have logged off. The only thing watching now was God. And God was real. But now he had a cat.
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Re: Filaments -:- Unistad

Postby hbyte » Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:39 am

The organics were becoming sentient. Jacob knew but he had been keeping it from the Unistad. He didnt want them to forclose on his research. He knew that if he could only deliver them a travereable wormhole for christmass he and his family would be set for life. Wormholes were rare. Not like in the old days when reality wasnt so closed up as it is now. In the old days before the unistad and before the unlocking of reality. Wormholes had to be made by hand as it were. Using quantum machines - big chunky quantum machines that could only manipulate 16 or more filaments at a time. But they did it they figured out how to make a wormhole from just 16 states- imagine that and then they realised they could use static fields to grow and sublimate matter so that they could build machines that defied gravity. But that was ancient history. Angela only knew this from what the Ghost had been telling her in her dreams. Her deep hidden dreams. Hidden from the unistad who had declared our history Taboo - an unlicneced prohibition sanctioned by the organics.

Everywhere the reality altering organics went the world would spilt into secret worlds - parallel to the one you were in. However this came at a cost it meant your reality and your mind was no longer private - except with a filament device. It also meant that the unistad had complete control over history.
History and privacy were a thing of the past. The unistad conffered with reality - history was a privaledge. Any technology like wormholes were band outright by the unistad. One world , one reality. Multiple worlds and historys all muted by the unistad.

Jacob ran over the abstracts one more time. Trying to understand how it came to be that reality by way of the organics was talking to him. Pleading with him to stop and to release the organics he had been engineering for the unistad. "I can't just ignore them though" "Darling we know youve been under alot of stress at work with it all but its hardly going to change anything. Who cares if they can talk back. Whats the difference. If they get released and do their job then youve done yours."

Jacob lay in bed next to his wife in their unistad apartment complex on the luxuriant terrestrial zeto zone district 2.

"Its just so much stress." He looked deeply into his wife Lauras eyes. "Listen youve earnt this. This time we are having right now this intimacy is ours alone. Paid for by all your hard work for the unistad. You cant get this reality with a filament device. They trust you and so you need to stop listening to those voices and get on with the job at hand"

Jacobs wife was a paralinguist she specialised in normalising voices of all kinds. He was getting this bit of therapy for free as she climbed ontop of him he soon forgot about the abstracts and voices that came from within reality.

The organics were like programmable quantum beings that lived inside reality and obeyed their own indecipherable laws. Often times they would seem intelligent like a cat or in a worse case like a Ghost. They manipulated reality directly - they were created for that purpose by unistad to control reality. However sometimes they rebelled. Sometimes they merely broke down and merged with something real - a house pet for example. They were like ghosts in the machine and that machine was reality. But Jacob had been warned and God was getting more and more interested in the Organics being created by Jacob for the Unistad. Organics that would shift reality and open a portal in time and space. Unistad wanted to travel to other worlds and times and not just observe them as it did now. If this happened then unistad would become God. It would send its people, organics and AI to other worlds and become all powerfull. However it would mean sacrifices.

The Ghost knew about sacrifices. He knew that for every gain that Unistad made would mean that there was less for ordinary people like him and Angela. He watched as Unistad partitioned reality leaving less and less for them. But he also knew that if Unistad controlled deep reality and opened a wormhole across the universe then the energy could wipe out their entire existence on earth. Unistad wouldn't give a damn so long as it could do as it pleased. Preserving its own people and expelling the outliers or what it called the mistakes. What it really meant was everyone else.

"In the olden days we had governments. Unistad was only in our time."

"Governments?", Angella questioned the Ghosts remark as they sat inside a black market reality that the Ghost had made. It was a park with a pond, trees, birds and some sailing boats. It was very olden days. She liked it.

"Yes. Kind of like an olden days Unistad. Only they didnt allow people to live like we do. Houses , Jobs, roads, cars and Schooling all had to be paid for with work, sacrifice and children. You gave them your time. You made a family - had children and you made sacrifices and you got included. No for us it was different. None of that stuff mattered to the Unistad - the only thing that matters now is reality and those damn filaments. Hell you could live anywhere work any job now so long as you had those damn filament devices."

"The unistad doesnt care about where you live or what the roads are like or even if you have a damned driving license. It only cares about one thing organics. The old governments existed in reality before Unistad learnt how to exist in multiple realitys, dreams and organics became the new commodity"

"You now pay for everything with your dreams and your reality. Machines do all the work and Organics collect."

Angela mulled this over in her head. She was torn between believing that he was some kind of rebell invading her thoughts and not to be trusted or even reported to unistad or well she actually kind of fancied him.

The Ghost walked through the night, through the endless streets of this worlds reality - partitioned by the Unistad. Crime free. Faultless. Perfection. He was looking for flaws in reality - something that would tell him he was still living on earth and not just some simulation created by Unistad. Something that would tell him that they hadnt already won reality and everyone had now been converted to an AI on a another world donating their existence to pay for Unistads ambitions to cross the universe.
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All Foriers MUST die

Postby hbyte » Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:23 pm

The sex bot was doing unlicensed love work across the river. It wouldnt be long before a radio cab would arrive and try and sanction him. He was not feeling himself. He took the risk. He reckoned it took them 20 minutes to cross the river and another 14 minutes to triangulate his mind and begin the attack and another 5 minutes for the sanction to take effect. But for all that time he got to feel like a real woman - Davina. She had been his first real love before all of this. Before he had been converted into a robot sex slave by the Foriers.

The Foriers were an estranged group of mind slaves. They existed in a homestead right next to his reality. Rooted in the ground. Somekind of ground water that kept them alive kept them boiling up to the surface to search for a target. A host. When they got you that was it they held on until they could begin converting you into something else.

Harry wasnt cutout for being a sex slave but that didnt matter he was one now.

Harry became Davina the hot bot from the circus across the river. But there were certain truths only a sex bot could know about the other side. It wasnt all money and luxury. There were sacrifices that had to be made. James had made all the right moves. He kept his conquests under the river. In a purpose made chamber that only he and twelve other members of the syndicate could use. Thats how he channeled them. Straight up the Moray Firth. Straight up the river and into a pool of money that just kept growing like his apartment.

James finished with Henrietta and paid for her upgrades before destroying her body. He pulled her head off and threw her body into the trash. Before lighting a cigare and moving across the hotub to look down on the ant like workers that ran over to devour her remains.

Harry thanked him and downloaded himself into his new and expensive unlisted new body.

I am just glad I am no longer a godamn whore. Those fucking Foriers are going to pay. Now all I need is a very good proxy, a memory wipe, overlays, maugs, mind jacks and some neuroleptics.

(Maugs - Memory Augmentations helps to cushion a fall and gaurd against psychosis)

Harry would Jack his mind up and run a proxy so he would be virtually untraceable. The Foriers would never see him coming.

The Foriers seemed unkilleable and all powerfull. They had no bodys so they couldnt just be switched off. They lived off the grid. Using the quantum chain to exist.

The quantum chain was reality itself. But Harry had a hack. He called it money. Money could break down the chain reduce it to binary and then send its quantum entangled data to the far corners of the universe. And if that didnt work he could pay someone to send them into a sun. Hows that. The Foriers would wake up with their data inside a fucking supernova - chaotic as fuck.

Fuck the Foriers.
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