Krant of the Hedurin -:- Part 2

Things that go bumb in your head!

(All Materials and Story's featured on this site are CopyRight 2024 Sam Shepherd & Simon Kettle - HapHazard Publishing)

Krant of the Hedurin -:- Part 2

Postby hbyte » Fri Apr 12, 2024 2:45 pm

The Hedurin have arrived.

A giant interspacial starship suddenly appears hovering over the exhiled planet of Atlantas.

"Krant!" belows a voice from the ship which seems to hang in the vast blue sky - down below a mere speck in the folding oceans of Atlantis. Krant lies still holding himself after the hallucinating visions of the Hegir.

"I cannnt take it. Is this real is it you my brother?"

"It is I Marlock your brother here with your tribe to rescue you from this fate from the fate that the Hegir have engineered for us. Welcome back brother."

Krant reaches up a frail arm into the sky as Marlock descends via a grav-lift to retrieve his fallen kin.

The vision disappates as the Hegir fall about themselves with laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha we really got him good that time

"Urrrrgh", Krant growls in agony and with every ounce of strength he pulls himself onto the wreck and surveys the horizon.

"Whats that it looks like a vessel of somekind or is it just another illusion from the Hegir."

Something was on the horizon it was a Congar. Giant and vast in speed and power it thrust through the mighty depths towards Krant. Krant had by now disensitised himself to most of what the Hegir had thrown at him but this was different this time he felt energised - ready for a fight. The Hegir had stimulated his primordial mind - his most primitve urges to survive. To fight or die.

Krant looked about for a weapon of somekind but all he could see was a large length of rope and a portion of metal broken off the ships hull damaged hull...and about half a pound of explosives.

He grabbed the items and fashion a harpone the end of which contained the explosives with a fuse of a couple of seconds - just enough time to jump clear of the beast as it barrelled down on him.

He could see the congor encircling the wreck. Sizing up his prey. The congor was a cunning species and was gifted wth second sight. Half in half out of this world this was no ordinary fish. It would be able to comprehend reality pan dimensionally. That means it would try to find the best line of attack that would mean success in multiple dimensions of reality. Its goal was to devour Krant in all possible worlds in all possibel outcomes. But Krant had one advantage - intelligence.

He would trick the congor into thinking he was already dead and give it the sustinance it desired. Something only the Hedurin could do and a technique they used countless times to steal the dreams of humans they would send out a steady stream of theta waves rich in dreams that the congor just couldnt resist.

It took the bate. It may be powerful but hell the congor. Pan dimensional being as it was. Was incrediably easy to fool.

It danced through the air gathering up all the theta waves it could find until it came into just the right position. Krant swung the harpoon around his body. Lunged forward and back to build up momentum until he released it just at the moment the giant congar opened its mouth to devour Krants memorys of his homeworld, memorys of childhood - iresistable to the congar.

The harpoon flew inside the mighty beast just as Krant dived for cover under the wreck. The whole thing went up. The ship, the congor and Krant just kept diving down and down into the depths.

"That was intense have you still got him?"

"No he is off the scope he must be too deep"

"The Hedurin are known for their underwater diving abilitys, we will get him when he resurfaces."

While Krant was swinging the harpoon he was sucking in air inside his well trained lungs. He had spent years on Hedura hunting and fishing underwater with his tribe. It was in preperation for the dreamhunting that his kind were destined for amongst the stars and the homeworlds of man.

Reality was but a training space for the ultimate hunt that began in the 5th dimension behind reality. Only one other species could do this and they were not the Hedurin they were the Hedrigar - a devolved species that lived only to harvest humans for food, clothing and tools.
The Hedrigar were tribal just like the Hedurin but they devoured humans whereas the Hedur considered humans as kin and strove to protect them from the mighty congor and the terrible Hedrigar. The Hedrigar had the ability to move through the 5th dimension of reality but only at the dictates of the Hegir who watched over them all.

This protection meant that the dreams of man must be hunted - once every century when the Hagrigar would begin their harvest. The Hagrigar would arrive at a conquered world devour the humans they would find and then leave. The Hedurin would find them first catching their dreams which would then be presented to the Hegir who would close reality by reshaping the 5th dimesnion - preventing the harvest. However the Hagrigar had many worlds into which they would slip easily and devour at will.

It was a game. Soon it would be earths turn and only Krant knew the dreams of earth. For he had been there.

Krant kept swiming down, down and down. He was desperate. He wanted to be free of this world even if it meant taking his own life. He needed to rejoin his tribe and begin the game. He needed to walk through fire - a sacred and religous act which would mark his passage into the world of dreams.

All of the Hedurin would have to do this as a sacred right of passage which marked their maturity - their manhood. The walk through fire was the final act that Krant would have to perform in order to release himself from reality. However the Hegir had other plans.

There was no fire down here, thought Krant. No Hegir either. Soon however he would have to surface. If he wished to live until the time when he would rejoin his tribe.

He was hungry. Hunger drove him back to the surface. Roast congor was on the menu. He ate. It was night and as he looked up into the vastness of star strewn space in a star system filled with human worlds he suddenly felt himself being pulled through reality. It was the Hegir.

"It is time young man for your passage"

He could hear the voice but he couldnt believe it. Was it true had the cruelty of the Hegir given way to kindness.

"You belong with your kin and we shall bring you to them we have but one last test"

The hegir laughed quietly to themselves. We hope you have eaten well Krant for this test will be your greatest.

Krant could feel his anger building inside him as his thoughts of being reunited with his tribe to perform the sacred ritual of firewalking were once again dashed by the Hegir.

"Krant we would like you to meet Othurin - leader of his tribe he is of the race which I believe you are only to aware of - the Hedrigar....It will be up to you Krant to stop them from reaching earth. But hurry Krant you only have a short while before hunting season is open!!"

The Hagir all watched Krant exhausted from his underwater exertions pulling himself to his feet. Othurin an especially large specimen of the Hedrigar yet equally lacking in intelligence lunged forward with his spear which narrowly missed Krant as his warrior instincts took hold and he moved out the way swiftly grabbing the spear which snapped in two. Othurin threw it to the ground and lunged with both hands at Krant who again deflected the attack taking a firm grip on the Hegurins tree trunk sized arms to swing the man-eater around and attempt to trip him but he was to strong footed. Instead Krant swung himself ontop of the giant and with a swift move pulled the bone knife from Othruins own harness - fashioned from the hides and bones of humans on Vertera 6. Before Othruin had the chance of throwing him from Krants vice like grip on his shoulders and neck Krant had plunged the blade into Othurin's chest cavity which was almost like armour plate. He threw himself clear as the giant began to bleed out. Losing energy and strength Othrurin eventually fell to the ground his heart had been faitfully stabbed by the bone of his prey - a fitting end, thought Krant, who now sat exhasted in the far corner of the arena.

"Well done Krant you are now ready to return to your homeworld - your tests are complete"
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Re: Krant of the Hedurin -:- Part 3 The Hedrigar

Postby hbyte » Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:44 pm

The Hedrigar were preparing their 10000 year pilgrimage to earth. The humans were entering their third and final cycle. "Best source of protein in this quadrant!", said the Hedrigar. "Food that literally cooked itself (on a planet doomed by climate change)" "Lets eat boys!"

We the Hedrigar will bathe in the blood of your women and use your mens crushed skulls to cool our heads. There is nothing better than a prey that kills itself.

The Hedrigar arrive. Humans broil in the impossibel heat of their dying world. The Hedrigar are immune but when possible they cover their heads with the cooler stomachs of the dead humans and mop their brows with their brains.

You can watch the woman of the Hedrigar turn a human hide into makeshift shelters and strip the fat from the hide to be boiled down into a nutritious broth. They will need this before the hunt.

In the hunt they uncover the humans underground layers that they have built to escape the impossible heat caused by their own endevours at automation. The Hedrigar walk everywhere even between reality. Underground the humans are locked behind walls and treat the air to stay alive. The Hedrigar know every trick of the humans and make short work of his lairs.

The Hedrigar walk into this world from between worlds. They are hunters and remain concealed until the time of the hunt.

Diary of the Hedrigar:

The Hedrigar once arrived too early to find humans. They found the first humans - a rat like creature. Not tastey.

The Hedrigar finds humans with guns. They fire and the Hedrigar skin is too strong. Hedrigar take guns.

The Hedrigar finds explosives and plays with them like fireworks. They are fun. Some humans are not fun - they make good belt buckles and cordage.

One Hedrigar says, "We always find one man deep inside his tunnel, sitting next to cross"
He says, "I don't believe this", as I arrive to take him.

"He is very funny always he protests and says, 'It is not fair after all. After he survives. Not his destiny' "

"Him very funny to Hedrigar. Him die outside in heat. We sad when we eat him"
....To read more -> like <-
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