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Space WoRm's:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:08 am
by hbyte
The worm gained momentum as it tunneled head long though the giant vortex of his brain. 'Whyyy is my head sooo big', thought the genius - who sat there strapped to the experiment chair created by doctor Housten. His head thrust forward and held in place by two massive steel mandibles while the worms steadily ate through his neocortex. The drugs had already kicked in and he was hallucinating heavily all the while his brain was being devoured by tiny hungry little worms.
The drug meant that he himself was the worm. He could'nt help but eat his own brain with every dying word. Each word was worth one digital byte of his soul. And as the worms ate they grew - like a hive mind. A collective. They transformed, metamorphised into a new brain - a new hive mind that grew connections sporadically through time and space. This mind was immortal. This mind was made from the worms final state. A state that would exist beyond time and space.
This uber-mind made him shreik as he began to comprehend the vastness of his existence beyond the physical plain of existence."Is it me? Is it real?" "Yes Jason you have arrived that thing is the new you. I hope you will be happy. Your part insect now...part of the hive.", gentlywhispered the doctor.
All that remained of his actual brain were the dried up husks of the worms who had now transformed into Jasons new mind beyond space and time. His now emptied body, now a gruesome husk, quivered with the remaining electric currents that the chair produced while his head's cavity oozed out the remains of his brain. Electricity was key in fascilitating this metamorphosis. Too little and the worms lost interest half way through the process. Too much and the pain threshold of the subject would turn the worms off their feast.
'Now he can travel', muttered the doctor into the microphone. The general was watching from behind the sheilded screen. 'Those things doctor they can't get in here to us. We have your complete assurance of that fact'
'No Major. They can't and frankly you would see that they are far more busy with Jason's mind than to be looking for yours', chuckled the Doctor who looked up briefly from his notes to smile at the view port. Behind which stood the general and several interested partys from the private sector.
'We are ready for the launch to alpha 9 in 5,4,3,2 one'
Jason could feel himself being yanked through time and space. It was a stranged sensation but no stranger than the one he had just experienced of being eaten alive and reconsituted behind reality.
'Did you arrive Jason.
There came no reply from the comms unit that was filled with maggots - a necessary bridge between realitys. The audio coming from Jasons thoughts were transmitted directly into a machine via the electrical currents created by these otherworldy maggots.
'....I HAVE ARRIVED DOCTOR' came a calm resigned sounding voice.
Jasons voice had altered he had in the intervening time aquired a new host that of an Madrivian - an alien descendant of the worms.
'Oh fantastic.How is your new home?'
Jason looked around him - it was a tunnel complex that steamed with undergraound vents filled with lava.
'Looks like hell' whispered Jason.
The madrivian greeted others of his kind before taking flight and leaving the tunnel complex it rose off the planet to join the rest of the hive and to meet the giant worm that lay at the heart of all things.
'I am about to meet the queen'
'Oh good send my regards'
The Madrivian's escorted him towards an emmense worm that seemed to fill the void - eclipsing a giant white hole that lay beneath them.
'Arrrrrrgh shreiked Jason as the giant queen began to eat his newly formed space brain.'
'This should take forever', Were his last thoughts.


(All Materials and Story's featured on this site are CopyRight 2024 Sam Shepherd & Simon Kettle - HapHazard Publishing)