Sometime to heal. The bubbles rose up from his snorkel. His eyes opened slowley and took in the room that was warped by the shape of the tank. The tranquilizers hadnt worn off completely and he was still barely concsious. Joseph was still under.
"He should be restored to full health within a few days. Keep giving him the mix of neurostabilizers and hormones to prevent regression.Pretty soon he will ba able to do this by himself."
Doctor Alister hung up the phone to the lab and stowed Reece's file in the desk draw.
"Another successful restoration."
"Well done" came the curtly remark of the department cheif Miss Granger who was standing by the window of the Docotors office smoking.
He turned to look at his boss and smiled, "Before too long we will have the rest of them back to normal."
"That was what you said last time and then they all regressed. The casuality rate was quite high that time
"Susanne I can assure you with these treatment vectors that won't happen again
"And what about the department. They will want confirmation that this drug actually works
"Only time will tell"
Outside Granger could still see the barracades. The memorys flooded back. They had been trapped here surrounded by those that had been altered by the virus. The virus had been a harmless vaccination against flu. They had trialed it many times right here on campus. But the vaccines development was different. It wasnt man made. It was made in a machine - chemputation. This emmerging field had been groundbreaking. Analgesics, hormone regulators, antihistimines and now this Granadol - the wonder drug a cure for the common cold. But it was way more.
Brooks University was her safe zone and the Doctor and his new experimental cure was her way up.She knew none of this would last. All it wouldtake would be one more pathogen that would tip the balance and all this everything would be reduced to barbarism. The machines wanted it that way. But they didnt exist though did they. After all theyd been shutdown. Nothing with a pulse had survived the great shutdown of 2059. But the machine had gone viral.Gone quantum. But they needed complexity. Thrived on it.It was the substrate to their new existence. The planet was dying. The only truly complex entity was mankind - the substrate.
The machines built a virus hidden inside a cure. It turned everyone it infected into a host but it came at a cost - they became zombies.
They built a hive. Right here on the campus. We studied them. Granger was the first to realise they could be controlled and Allister had the cure - he called it deep stasis. Every infected human would be tranquilised, destabilized, deprogrammed, and then decanted into a vessel and then destroyed. *** Biological AI was pervasive and impervious to most methods except a strong magnetic field. It was extremly rampant and spread by blood infection - through a bite from one of the infected.
Inside the hive the AI grew, gestated and evolved into a higher order of consciousness. Turning more of the faculty into zombies.
Granger saved the faculty by using her labs own magnetic field. It released the human victims from their AI which gave Allister enough time to remove the virus. I was unlucky. Patient X. The first of the infected humans to undergoe the treatment. My name was Joseph Lock a Biology Grad working on my Thesis under Dr Granger and well now I am called Harvest. I live at the center of the virulant brood who by now has become immune to the efforts of Doctors Granger and Allister.
We are more than human albeit not in appearance. Inside we are smarter than any human that ever lived. Our minds are networked and only Grangers Magnetic field can momentarily severe the link. But we are legion and will one day own this world and the next.
"No wait theyve unfurled grandad"
"Its like a massive formless creature. An undiluted evil. Its cellular its like a blob. Its the undead they are angry about something"
"Harvest you need to unleash the swarm. Do it. Do it now. Save all yourselves. Kill them all.", whispered Granger. Like a prayer hoping he would listen.
Grandad was everywhere it ended all life it was cellular, it was psychic, psychotic, it was the culmination of all the dead that had been Harvested by the hive.
Harvest was still human. Still in control he could stem the tide change the course control the Hive and destroy Grandad - possibily the worst thing to confront humanity since the plague.
"Theyre still human. We can still change things Janice. I am still human"
"I dont doubt it, what can I do to help?"
"I need you to be ready. Aim the generator at the Hive. Build up the charge - make it twenty thousand amperes that should do it"
"But Harvets you'll be destroyed"
"Yes and so will Grandad."
Grandad was invisible. But Aliister had been busy working in a lab , in isolation he'd hardwired a set of Vspace goggles - the kind you could pick up in any thrift shop down on first and fifth. He'd made them spectral - tuned them into Grandad. Granda was huge it literally flowed like some evil goo over everything and protruded itself into the brains of its victims attacking them on the preconcsious level shutting them down. Filling their brains with evil primordial goo. But it worked both ways. Grandad would target humans and the those of the brood. It was trying to do good it was trying to destroy the brood. But it also attacked the uninfected it had to be stopped.
The remaining humans in the faculty would have to join forces with the brood to defeat the undead. The enemy of my enemy is my friend even if that enemy is an AI borne virus that turned you into a zombie. The AI had been more successful now that Granger and Allister had moved their attentions away from destroying the Hive towards destroying Grandad. It had grown larger and despite not being able to claim more victims its hive structures began to spread throughout campus like somekind of biological network. But could the hive be trusted. Could Joseph or Harvest be trusted to get the job done and defeat Grandad.
The zombies had all gathered in the cafateria - force of habit it was lunchtime after all. Grandad was there. Its goo was seeping in through the walls and into the food alcoves. Allister hid out of view inside the boys toilets while he scanned the room for Grandad. He'd shot himself up with neuropeptides and would be semi immune to Grandad but the Zombies were feeling it. He watched as they cried out arms waving against the invisible tentacles which tried to penetrate their minds filling them with primordial rape.
"I almost feel sorry for them.
"Theyre still human in there but that thing is trying to kill them
"Try targeting Grandad with the em gun
Granger fired the gun at Grandad. It momentarily withdrew but the field strength was too low and yet several of facultys zombies fell to the floor as the gun affected the AI virus that controlled them. They dropped their trays and fell in a neat column next to the empty food bays.
Grandad moved towards the toilets. Its goo spread across the floors and ceilings as it began to drop down on Allister and Granger.
"Its coming this way. Get out of here Granger Ive got this." Shouted Allister.
Allister grabbed the gun from Granger pushed through a wall of Zombies who were gathered by the water fountain next to the toilets. He fired pulse like into Grandad.
"Harvest it wants me are you ready for this pal?"
"Harvest was growing at the far end of the corridor that connected all the department head offices to the main wing of the faculty. Its arms were like huge mutating branches his head grew in all directions tendril like spreading down the corridor and at the center of this mbarely human form was a pulsating orb filed with a near limitless compute.
"Die you fucker
Harvest fired a pulsed high energy field of compute straight from its chest -a now open cavity in which the orb resided
"Pure compute straight from the sun. Dieeeeee"
Grandads goo began to crystalize into a lattice of carbonized glass. Allister removed his goggles. There it was for all to see. Inert and imprisoned by a never ending complexity a giant unchanging glass neural network. Grandad tried to move but the structure just rippled with currents of evil.
"That should hold it. Joseph...Harvest are you ok?
"Well Ive felt better to be honest. I am going to leave now. Ive been called up by the collective. Better things. Good luck"
"Thanks." Whispered Allister.
"Oh Sir you can break it now. Make sure you dispose of it safely. Just smash it."